Today, we are happy to announce that Ping Pong AB (www.pingpong.se) is joining Total Specific Solutions B.V. (www.totalspecificsoulutions.com), a Dutch software group. This means that Ping Pong is leaving the A&D family for a new home and will be starting a new chapter in its journey. We are sad to say goodbye to a dear family member, but happy and confident that TSS will give Ping Pong a great home.
A&D invested in Ping Pong in 2017: Ping Pong believes in lifelong learning for everyone and is the Swedish market leader in Learning Management Systems, with customers like Stockholm Municipality, The Swedish Police Authority and Gothenburg University.
We are very thankful to all of Ping Pong’s employees and to all of our co-owners in the company. An extra big thank you goes out to Sofia Högman, the CEO of Ping Pong, who has been a key player in taking Ping Pong to where the company is today. Sofia, you have done a fantastic job with the company.
We are also very impressed by the whole TSS Team, and we trust that they will provide a good home for Ping Pong and contribute a lot with their tremendous experience. We are proud of what we have achieved together with the Ping Pong team these last couple of years and we wish the team the best of luck for the future.
Best wishes,
Your A&D team