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Holiday Message 2020 — beginner’s mindset

Dear friends of Alfvén & Didrikson,

What a challenging year. In most respects, 2020 has been a tough year, especially for the most vulnerable. To see all this human and economic suffering has affected us deeply.

In the context of a challenging year, we deem ourselves lucky and thankful. Although some of us have had to battle the virus and lost people in our close circles, our team and family has remained mostly healthy and sound. Most of the companies in the A&D family have had to fight hard, but as a whole the family has fared well.

This holiday season, we would like to promote curiosity and a beginner's mind: In the investment world, most people are looking for experts. An expert is somebody who has seen it all, done it all, knows everything and everybody. What is the likelihood that an expert will change the world?

What if, instead, we applied the mindset of Astrid Lindgrens Pippi Longstocking: "I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that". It can be applied to creating a new world of direct bank to bank payments ( Or promoting a new world where storytellers and other creators can make their voices heard ( Or through helping people reach beyond borders and be there for those they love ( The beginner's mindset is, in the opinion of A&D, without a doubt the most successful way to approach a new investment. And one of our greatest assets.

Today, the A&D family employs some 1,650 people. To all of you out there: Our warmest thank you. We love the work that you do and we could not be more proud of you. To our leaders: You are not alone, we are always with you. To our fellow investors: Thank you again for your great trust and belief in us. To all our friends and family out there: We remain confident that, together with you, we can create a virtuous force of gravity that can make this world a better place. Based on great fun, inner purpose and sound, long term profit.

And in the current situation that the world finds itself in, we think we all could do with a little more of a beginner's mindset: What if we did away with blame and finger pointing? What if we chose to work together, finding new solutions to the new situation? What if, in the midst of all this pain, there was hope and curiosity? Maybe it would all be easier if we admitted to ourselves: Nobody has ever done this before. We look forward to creating a better future, together with you. With love and curiosity Your A&D team

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