Today (March 8) we honor International Women's Day. And even though we think diversity in all aspects should be celebrated every day, today, we would like to take the opportunity to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women globally. Since we last updated you on diversity in the Alfvén & Didrikson family, we have continued to work towards the goal of reaching an equal representation of gender across all levels in our investee companies. And since we are firm believers in full transparency, we want to share an update on the current state of the A&D Family.

Currently, 41% of total employees are women (40% in 2021), among senior management the average number of women is 31% (29% in 2021) and the percentage of board seats held by women is 27% (31% in 2021). As you can see we have taken a couple of steps forward in appointing women in key leadership roles and made progress on overall gender diversity but we have taken one step back when it comes gender diversity in boards. We are convinced that diverse companies do better and we will continue to encourage our investee companies to aim for diversity in all aspects. Including, but not limited to, gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion. In the Board of Directors, in senior management and among individual contributors.
If you want to learn more about what we do as a team to do better for the companies we have invested in and for our communities, please read more here.
/ Your A&D team